Sunday, November 28, 2010
Jack, family and Lorraine, Larry and family, I just found out about Vivian this week. I saw the memorial in the paper and noticed Vivian's name missing. When I inquired about this I heard she had passed away. I was on holidays at the time so I never saw the announcement. I would have loved to have been there and paid my respects. She was one of my favorite teachers and I remember her as a caring and patient teacher. I truly am sorry that I missed this opportunity to show you that she did impact my life and will truly be missed. Both Vivian and Lorraine had/have their Mother's traits of patience, kindness and a smile that goes on forever. Do not think that just because people don't mention their name everytime they see you means they've been forgotten. The times that I think of and have tears for Nellie is too many to mention. xox