Friday, May 24, 2019
Rita taught me so much in such a short time of knowing her.
We would have breakfast together Wednesday mornings when I lived at Young St, and she would share all of her Rita-like wisdom.
I'll never forget the way she rolled her eyes when I told her I didn't know how to use a match to light a candle or when I couldn't actually tell time.
The very next week she had a watch ready for me ... She told me to wear it until I figured it out or until I got my own.
I wore that watch for months ... not because I hadn't figured it out, but because it came from her.
Rita was the sassiest woman I knew and so so caring. She'd surprise me with fresh strawberries from Herles or muffins she'd baked so often.
She'd always try whatever weird and wacky dish I made too, no matter what was in it.
Rita was a dear friend. I always felt like someone was watching out for me when we lived in the same house.
I am so lucky to have known her.