Jian Qiu Chen

Jian Qiu Chen

1939 - 2023

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Jian Qiu

Obituary of Jian Qiu Chen

It is with great sadness that the family of Jianqiu announce her passing on June 4, 2023 at the age of 83 at St Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener.


Born September 29, 1939 in China. Survived by her loving husband Karl of over 59 years, daughter Tao, son Jian and daughter-in-law Jianhua, grandson Patrick. Predeceased by mother Minjie Ren.


Before retirement, Jianqiu worked as a teacher for 30 years in No. 4 high school, Wuhan, China. She made great contributions in the fields of education and trained a large number of outstanding talents. She was loved and respected by students. Some students have maintained friendship with her for over 50 years.


Jianqiu enjoyed time with family. She also would like to go back to China to visit relatives and friends from time to time. She is very kind, generous and brave. She is a good wife, a good mother and a good grandmother. She will be in our hearts forever.


Visitation will be held at the Erb & Good Family Funeral Home, 171 King St. S., Waterloo on June 8, 2023 at 5-9 p.m.  


Condolences for the family and donations to Grand River Regional Cancer Centre or St Mary’s Hospital may be arranged at www.erbgood.com






1939 年9月29号 – 2023 年6月4号




健秋的丈夫 龚融文 女儿 龚涛 儿子 龚健 儿媳 吕建华 孙子 龚映仲 都深深怀念记住。她深爱已故的母亲 任民杰。她将永远受到家人和朋友的爱念。


退休前,健秋在中国武汉市第四中学任教。 从事教育事业30年以来, 工作任劳任怨,做出了巨大的贡献,取得了辉煌的成就,培养了大批的优秀人才。 她的学生都很尊敬和爱戴她。她桃李满天下。有很多学生都和她保持了长达50多年的良师益友的关系。


健秋喜欢和所爱的亲人共度时光·并定期回国与家人和朋友联系。她为人善良,慷慨大方, 坚强勇敢。 是个好妻子,母亲,祖母。她将永远活在我们心中。


健秋的家人将于2023年6月8日星期四傍晚5点至9点在滑铁庐King St. S. 171号Erb & Good Family 殡仪馆接待亲友。


慰问家属和纪念捐赠给基秦拿癌症中心或圣玛丽医院,可以通过www.erbgood.com 来安排。



5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Erb & Good Family Funeral Home
171 King Street South
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada