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Obituary of Eleanor Irene Spinney
We are sad to announce the passing of Eleanor Irene Spinney at Hospice Waterloo Region on November 14, 2024. Eleanor was born December 8, 1922 in Kentville, NS.
She is predeceased by her husband Emerson 1996, and her daughter Sandra in 2020, and brothers Horace (Bud), 1952 and Keith, 2009. Eleanor is survived by her daughter Margo (Max), son-in-law John, grandchildren Stephanie, Susan, Sam and April, as well as nephews and nieces.
Cremation has taken place. Service and interment will take place at a later date in Nova Scotia.
Donations in memory may be made to Hospice Waterloo Region, ALS Society, Arthritis Society, Alzheimer Society or charity of your choice, through Erb & Good Funeral Home.
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