Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Dear Betty's Family Please accept my sympathy on the passing of Betty; also, I, celebrate with you, her family and friends in knowing her and having worked with her at WLU, for many years; shopping and visiting with her here in FT Myers; Barb will tell you that story on Sat; she was so classy right til the last I saw her at her retirement home; I loved her condo on Erb St, like she did; often wondered how she got in the high bed; loved her family pics and how she decorated that family room black and white; we had many great visits, chats, lunches, still using her handmade dishcloths, and many other general girly things, we did; when we went to your home near the Uni for lunch, just after I started working there, sometime between l965 and l970, lunch was a GOLDEN cream of mushroom soup and chicken casserole, and rolls, I asked for seconds for everything; Dave and I met at WLU, when I visited her office, after Dave and I had lunch, she would ask me what we did, I always told her we necked, loved how she laughed, even though, she was very classy, she still liked my comments; she will be missed by me, and am sure there will be a big void losing your dear Betty .......also, remember when her keys to the condo dropped down the elevator shaft; we caused quite a stir over that, we did get them, though; enjoy your last days with her, here; look for her bright, new shining STAR up above, it will beside Ernie's; she and Ernie will be celebrating in heaven; she couldn't have planned her passing to suit her better; her faith sustained her; she told me all the stories about you, ALL; the twins, the grandkids of Dean and Magi in Scotland; the girls Nancy and Don, Susan and Duane, how hard you both work.....please, celebrate Betty.....I, am, toasting with her tonight at 4, please, join me.....I know she didn't drink, so it will be a soda toast...... also, met Danny and Sara at Oktoberfest on our 25th anni; only to find out they were related to Betty; she was so happy how you all cared for her right til the end.....big hugs, to, all, Gail PS Sorry I cannot be there; am in the south, now.