Tribute Wall
Bill posted a symbolic gesture
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Robbie, did he understand Source Control? We will never know.
Jim Gough posted a condolence
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Hello. I just heard the news today. My deepest condolences to the family. Ralph was a giant in his field, or should I say on his pavement? I can't say that my time as one of Ralph's grad students was my shining academic moment, but that was certainly not from any lack of support on his part. Running into him many years later, at the airport coming back from TRB or in some similar circumstance, he seemed pleasantly (I hope) surprised that I was actually doing reasonably well in consulting - though not in pavement. - Jim Gough
Hamid Soleymani uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, July 5, 2020
My condolences to Dr. Haas family.
I think our world and more specifically the Canadian engineering and academic community lost one of their best member. He not only was an academic person, but a humble man, a supporter, a supervisor, an advisor, and a friend. I started to meet him at conferences and more at the TRB and TAC. I think he never missed any of these conferences.
He was my external examiner and came to Saskatoon for my defense. This photo is from that day in 2007.
R.I.P Dr. Haas.
Hamid Soleymani
Nabil Kamel posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Dear Carl and the family: My deepest condolences. I'm so sorry to hear about the sudden death of Ralph. His death is a huge loss. I know Ralph for over 50 years as we first met at the University of Texas in Austin in Spring1970 where I just started my graduate school. I had relatives, at that time, living in Canada and Ralph helped me unite with the family in Canada and complete my Masters studies at the U of Waterloo. Ralph Haas was an outstanding professor who cared about all his students and about their progress. In addition he made us feel we're part of his family. He cared for us even after graduation, made recommendations and helped us finding good jobs. Ralph was always simple and humble and his car was like a dad or an older brother. Today we are celebrating a life of an angel that lived among us who provided an example of a unique educator, a Nationally recognized professional who made very significant contributions for advancements of knowledge, a world recognized leader in pavements and transportation and a father and a big brother for hundreds of top professionals he taught and graduated during his career. His death is a huge loss to us and to the country.
Joseph Ponniah posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
My wife Grace and I are ever grateful to Ralph Haas and his wife Rose for the Love and care they showed towards us when we moved to canada in 1982.
We would like to convey our heartfelt condolences to Carl Haas and his sisters and we pray that the Lord will give them grace and strength to bear the loss of their beloved dad.
As my supervisor, he not only provided me technical guidance to complete my degree but also helped us in several ways to establish our life in Canada. We cannot find words to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Ralph and Rose for the support we received when we went through unexpected turbulant times.
May God bless his children and grand children
Joseph and Grace Ponniah
Yelda Turkan lit a candle
Saturday, June 27, 2020
My deepest condolences to Carl and his family. Ralph was a great mentor and advisor. He was extremely smart, accomplished and yet so humble at the same time. He inspired all around him. He used to run every morning even in sub zero temperatures and in the snow, and would get to his office before me every morning (this was when he was in his late 70s)! Now I run every morning before work and try to get to my office as early as possible. Above all, he was a very kind person, and had a great sense of humor. I will miss his stories and jokes. He will be missed by us all greatly. Rest in peace Professor Haas.
June & Ken Kobayashi posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Dear Ralph
You will be so very missed at the pool. Always there first in the afternoon waiting for us to arrive, ready to share a tale; you were the best in the art of storytelling & could chat about everything & anything, often with a great sense of humour!! Our swim & chats always ended with a culinary discussion and it was always fun when Brenda was with you as our Happy Hours got extended. :-)
You were always such a modest, kind and friendly neighbour. We enjoyed your company so much and we are better for having known you.
June & Ken Kobayashi
Arthur J. Carty posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Arthur J. Carty
I was very saddened and shocked by the news that Ralph passed away on Friday June 19. I have known Ralph as an exceptional researcher and leader in his field of pavement technology and transportation infrastructure since the mid seventies, and as Dean of Research at UW from 1989-94. I had the greatest respect for his stature and accomplishments. We also frequently ran into one another as he was pounding the pavement as a seasoned jogger.
Ralph has won many awards for his research and professional service, including election as a member of the Order of Canada. His service to the community is deep, profound and difficult to match.
We drank quite a few pints of beer together- always a special moment!
Ralph was a very special person and will be sorely missed by all of us.
Tom Fahidy posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
It is hard for me to realise that I will no longer be able to tell Ralph a joke, or listen to one of his, on my next visit to the pharmacy which we have shared for many years----and frequented more and more often in recent years. Ralph was an amazingly knowledgeable, thoughtful and considerate person, and an engineer par excellence. I will miss him very much.
My deepest condolences and sympathy to Ralph's family.
a uploaded photo(s)
Saturday, June 27, 2020
It is hard saying goodbye to a lifelong mentor and friend. It was 32 years ago since the day in the picture when I defended my PHD dissertation, but I still feel Ralph’s guiding hand. My heartfelt condolences to his family and the pavement engineering comm.
Tom Papagiannakis
University of Texas at San Antonio
Samin posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
I have known Ralph since 2009. Getting to know Ralph and Carl has been the best thing that happened to me since I moved to Canada!
Ralph was a great mentor, both in my personal and academic life! His positive attitude, sense of humor, and wisdom was always inspirational. He had so many interesting stories to tell. He was kind, super smart yet incredibly humble, and full of life. I am so grateful to have known him and will always remember him and his wisdom!
My sincere condolences to Cathy, Carl, Sue and dear family!
Leo Rothenburg posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
I was blessed to have Ralph as a colleague, mentor and friend for nearly forty years. His brilliant mind and kind heart touched generations of future engineers, researchers, academics during crucial formative years and many of us, including me, owe our career paths and achievements to Professor Ralph Haas. Someone once said: do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph left many trails that will endure and his family will be proud of for generations to come.
Leo Rothenburg
Dr. Alauddin posted a condolence
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Dr. Ralph was my Committee Member when I did my Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo under Dr. Susan Tighe. It was a great honour for me to have such a legend as one of my advisor. I talked with him and discussed personal and technical matters many times while I was at the University of Waterloo and at different technical conferences, meetings, workshops and seminars. My heart bloomed whenever I met and talked with him. I found him as a great human with very kind heart. He was a great advisor with in depth knowledge. He was very helpful, polite, dedicated and motivated. I will miss him. I wish peace for his departed soul. My heartfelt condolences to his families and relatives. RIP, the great legend.
Dr. Alauddin, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Samin lit a candle
Friday, June 26, 2020
I have known Ralph since 2009. Getting to know Ralph and Carl has been the best thing that happened to me since I moved to Canada!
Ralph was a great mentor, both in my personal and academic life! His positive attitude, sense of humor, and wisdom was always inspirational. He had so many interesting stories to tell. He was kind, super smart yet incredibly humble, and full of life. I am so grateful to have known him and will always remember him and his wisdom!
My sincere condolences to Cathy, Carl, Sue and dear family!
Ningyuan Li uploaded photo(s)
Friday, June 26, 2020
+ 1
Afrooz posted a condolence
Friday, June 26, 2020
The first time I met Ralph was in his office in UWaterloo back in 2008. For the first few months, he kindly shared his office with me as his student. He had a beautiful soul and his kindness and support have touched me and many others. He always had great stories of his adventures to share with you. Yes, he was the father of pavement asset management, but he was also an expert in managing real life's assets and sharing his valuable experience with others.
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to Professor Carl Haas and everyone who dearly misses Ralph.
Yinyin Cai and Wei He lit a candle
Friday, June 26, 2020
Yinyin Cai and Wei He posted a condolence
Friday, June 26, 2020
To Cathy, Carl, and Sue and your families: please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of Ralph. We have just lost a dear mentor and friend, and our engineering profession has just lost an icon.
Our lives in Canada started with Ralph when we started graduate studies at the University. We cherish the fond memories in his classes, in project meetings, in conferences, and during many Christmas dinners at the Haas'. With his kindness, wisdom and humor, Ralph not only taught us the way to study and work as professionals, he also showed us how to live as human beings. To say we are forever grateful is a vast understatement. Ralph and Rose will always have a special place in our hearts.
Yinyin Cai and Wei He
Hassan Baaj posted a condolence
Friday, June 26, 2020
Ralph was same age as my father that I also lost a few years ago. For the last six years, I used to see him almost every week and sometimes every day. He was a great mentor and a great friend and at many occasions, he gave some advice on life just like my father would have done it. His memory will remain with us for ever as a great researcher, educator and leader. He inspired generations of pavement engineers and he left a great legacy behind him for the future generations. I am so proud to be of those who learned a lot from him, without officially being a former student of his, and to be one of those who contributed and will continue to contribute to perpetuate his legacy.
My deepest condolences to Carl, Catherine and Susan and the whole family. You pain and your loss are also ours. Please be strong!
With a broken heart I say to Ralph "Good bye Ralph, you've been great to a lot of people and your memory will remain forever, we will continue your legacy. Rest in Peace".
Brian Taylor lit a candle
Friday, June 26, 2020
Dear Carl, Cathy and Sue and your families,
My deepest condolences and sympathies on the passing of your father. Ralph was truly a self-made man with a heart of gold. I remember him telling us stories like how he paid for his university tuition by playing pool in bars for money. Clearly, he was multi-talented too :-)
I was so grateful for your parent’s kindness and generosity as they opened their home to me every Sunday evening for a family dinner while Carl and I were studying Systems Design Engineering and living together. It meant Carl and I had a wonderful meal once a week (that luckily Carl and I were not involved in the cooking ).
Ralph was always willing to share great common sense and advice to help guide us as undergrads. He was a straight shooter. I fondly recall when I met with your parents in Sedona, AZ many years later. I found your father to be such a kind and down-to-earth man with a genuine care for others and desire to leave the earth a better place then he found it. Bravo Ralph! You will be deeply missed but not forgotten!
Brian Taylor
Donaldson MacLeod and Isabel CLark posted a condolence
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Dear Cathy, Carl, Susan and Brenda
You have our deepest sympathies on the passing of Ralph.
He held a special spot in our lives as we traveled so many places together and he always made sure we were in the right place to get full benefit of the activities
We enjoyed his visits to us here at the farm and his attendance at the Highland Games was important to us as was his help in getting Governor General David Johnston to open the Glengarry Highland Games
A favorite memory of our travels together was the ride we got from Omar Kaddaffi's body guards from Tripoli to some ancient ruins in Libya. Down the freeway in traffic at 200 kph, we were never so glad to touch the ground when we got out of the car. Every time we met since we always discussed this adventure.
It was always a pleasure to work with him on TAC and TRB committees
Donaldson MacLeod and Isabel Clark
Daniel Lacroix purchased flowers
Thursday, June 25, 2020
My sincere condolences to the entire Haas family. My thoughts and prayers are all of you during this difficult time.
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Maryam Shahtaheri lit a candle
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Professor Ralph Haas was a true pioneer and legend in the field of pavement engineering and infrastructure management. A great loss to many generations who have been influenced by his work. Our hearts and deepest condolences go out to Carl, Susan, Jennifer, Cameron, and Greta at this difficult time.
Maryam & Roozbeh
Michael Maher posted a condolence
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Sincere condolences to the family, relatives and friends of Prof Haas. As a post-graduate student researching pavement design at the University of Dublin in the late 70s I first became familiar with Ralph's research work. He subsequently agreed to be the external examiner for my Ph.D. thesis. After I moved to Canada, the highlight of the annual Transportation Association of Canada Conference was meeting up with Ralph and hearing about his latest world travels. He was an amazing individual and contributed so much to improving the quality and safety of our public road network in Canada. He will be greatly missed.
Michael Maher
Greg Shepherd posted a condolence
Thursday, June 25, 2020
My sincere condolences to Carl and family on the loss of your father and grandfather.
Linda Newton posted a condolence
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Dr Haas, 'Ralph', was truly an amazing and kind individual. He inspired his students,his colleagues and friends, and never forgot a name. It was over a decade ago when I started to teach at Carleton and wanted to use his infrastructure management textbook for the course I'd developed but it was out of print. I had my own copy but wanted one to put in the library so I contacted Ralph, thinking he'd never remember who I was, but he did. We had a great chat about the course and then he sent me one of his own copies of the book, which I still have. I never asked for a copy, it just showed up one day in the mail with a note that he'd found a spare copy and wishing me good luck with the course.
Carl, my deepest condolences to you and your family.
Ankit posted a condolence
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Condolences to Prof. Carl and the rest of the family and extended Waterloo family from his admirer. I read his books and research and that just connected me with him very closely. Prayers for him for Peace and strength to Family. Dr. Ankit Gupta, IIT BHU Varanasi, India.
Shahin Karimi uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
These memorable photos are taken in the UW's Grad House in 2012. Students and Colleagues gathered to celebrate Professor Ralph Haas' Birthday.
Rest In Peace Professor Ralph Haas. You will be dearly missed. my deepest condolence to the Haas family, especially Professor Carl Haas.
Shahin Karimi
Ponnu posted a condolence
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Condolences to Carl and the rest of the family. Just before COVID closed down the Waterloo Y, we both were exercising next to each other and I knew he was old but not 87! Amazing! We chatted the usual stuff as we do joking around; I will miss these chats.
By the way, his signature was on my first appointment as Assistant Research Professor, although I had not known him at that time, but those were the days when the Department Chair could appoint!
Systems Design Engineering
Guy Tremblay lit a candle
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
À la famille de Ralph et Brenda
Mes condoléances à vous tous,
Je me considère chanceux d’avoir eu l’opportunité de côtoyer Ralph sur divers comités de l’Association des Transports du Canada. Comme bien d’autres, il a influencé ma carrière dans le domaine du génie routier et je lui suis reconnaissant pour tout ce qu’il a fait dans le domaine de la gestion des chaussées. Pour Ralph, tout le monde était important, et peu importe les nombreuses distinctions qu’il avait, il est demeuré humble et nous faisions tous partie de la même confrérie.
Guy Tremblay Québec
Heidi Mussar lit a candle
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
I'm very sad to read about your dad's passing.
Please accept my sincerest and most heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I only met your dad a couple of times but each time I did, I was impressed by his stamina and enthusiasm for life; he was such a gentle and friendly soul.
I'm sure you will all miss him tremendously.
May memories of happy times spent together and times where you reflect on all that his life meant to you and others bring you comfort over time.
Heidi Mussar
Molly Blooms Irish Pub [Waterloo] posted a condolence
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
From the Staff and Management at Molly Blooms Irish Pub Waterloo, our deepest sympathies to Ralph’s family. Friday lunches will not be the same without Ralph and his “kids” . We loved when Ralph travelled because we looked forward to his stories of his adventures and of course everything he ate. We will miss that smile.
Dawn Haas White uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Ralph was an amazing uncle to me. His short visits to Grimshaw, northern Alberta were always special. He was also a caring, loved brother to my father. The photo is of Ralph with the Haas nieces
Li Ningyuan uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
I was very lucky to become one of Prof. Ralph Haas’ many international graduate students during the early 1990’s. As my Ph.D. advisor, Ralph guided my professional career development, and he has the biggest influence on my life since then. I have been very fortunate to have Ralph as my mentor for years, and he will live forever in my heart.
On behalf of Chang'an University Alumni Association of Canada, I would like to express our sincere condolences on the passing of Prof. Haas, who has the best honorable reputation and well-known internationally as “the father of pavement asset management”. Over the past forty years, he has been widely invited to travel internationally to give lectures and seminars to universities, research institutes and road management agencies. He also received a large number of international visiting scholars and professionals to visit University of Waterloo, as shown in the attached a few photos.
During Spring 2011, Ralph and I travelled to China by invitations for performing two-week academic visiting activities at seven (7) universities and five (5) road research institutes. His concept of road pavement management, together with his remarkable widespread academic contributions to the global road asset engineering and management, will be respected and remembered forever.
Li Ningyuan
Alex Brown posted a condolence
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
To the Haas Family and Brenda,
Please accept my condolences to all of you on your loss. An important figure in your lives has suddenly departed and no one got to say goodbye.
I’m one of Ralph’s running and later walking buddies. A number of us met Ralph many years ago as he’d run by the old Lincoln Road Y. Those relationships endured with Ralph being a role model for all of us on how to deal with advancing years. In a nutshell, ignore it and persistently stay active (and if someone offers to replace your two achy knees, take them up on it).
The other quality I’ll mention is Ralph’s unfailing modesty. Again, a role model. Ralph was a superstar in his field (and in every other field he was involved in as his obituary very capably mentions). At no time did I every get the impression Ralph thought he was a big deal. In conversation, he always spoke of other people and their accomplishments, never his own.
Ralph was looking forward to getting a return on those new knees, and there were lots of conversations we were going to have - travel with Brenda and politics topping the list. What a wonderful man and friend! I’ll miss him a lot.
Alex Brown
Nadine Ibrahim purchased flowers
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
With heartfelt memorable conversations about the things that bring joy to life. May he live in the hearts and minds of colleagues, family and friends.
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Li Ningyuan and Jean Zhao purchased flowers
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
"Ralph Haas" will remain in our hearts forever.
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Yvonne Girling posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Cathy, Carl & Susan
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.
May the fond memories of your Dad help you in the days ahead.
My friendship with your Mom & Dad over 57 years I will cherish.
I will always remember your Dad as the most humble and kind friend I have ever met and I will miss him very much.
Yvonne Girling
Rebecca Kalbfleisch donated to GRAND RIVER HOSPITAL FOUNDATION
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
It was a privilege to know Ralph, he will be greatly missed!
-Rebecca Kalbfleisch (Neighbour)
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Sarah Wells posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
On behalf of the Transportation Association of Canada, please accept our condolences on the passing of Dr. Haas. We were so proud to know Ralph and benefit from his involvement in the Association’s work for an incredible 55 years! We will miss him very much, and will find some way to honour his remarkable legacy.
Personally, I first met Ralph when I was an undergraduate student, and was lucky enough to count him as a mentor and friend through my graduate studies and my career. There are hundreds more like me - students who Ralph encouraged and supported in school and in their careers. We are better for his guidance; better as individuals, better as a profession, better as a country. His death is a terrible loss.
Sarah Wells
Giovanni purchased flowers
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
I will always treasure so many good memories with Ralph; he has been a role model, an icon, with such an amazingly kind and generous personality!
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David Hein uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
I am very proud to have known Dr. Ralph Haas, first as a professor at the University of Waterloo and then as a mentor and friend. We shared many conversations over the years at TRB and TAC conferences and events both around the world and at home. He always had time for a conversation and a glass of wine and I will miss sharing our favourite travel experiences. He was a true educator and significantly shaped the lives and careers of so many of us. You will be missed.
Dave Hein
Saiedeh Razavi uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
When I first dropped by the University of Waterloo, 15 years ago, with little hope and self-confidence to find a PhD position, Ralph was the first person to meet and greet me and to introduce me to his colleagues. That day was a pivotal point in my life and Ralph’s encouraging and welcoming attitude taught me that I should not despair.
As our community of colleagues, friends, and family is now mourning in his loss, let’s remember his words and actions and their influence in our lives. His dedication, generosity, and kindness will continue to bring hope and better life to us and the ones after us.
My most heartfelt condolences to Carl, Jennifer, Cameron, and Greta.
Saiedeh Razavi
Priya and Sriram Narasimhan purchased flowers
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
I will always remember and miss that kind fatherly voice, and our lunches together at the lounge. With heartfelt condolences,
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Tribute Store
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Ralph's family and professional legacies are immense. He can rest in peace and run across the heavens. We think of you all.
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The family of Ralph Carl George Haas uploaded a photo
Monday, June 22, 2020
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